The modern escapist cosplay

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The modern escapist cosplay

"They told me that the exhaust is one of the main functions of fairy tales, and as I do not disapprove of them obviously did not accept the tone of scorn or pity with which now is 'Escape' is often used as. Why why a man scorned if, finding himself in prison, tries to get out and go home? Or if not, think and talk about topics other than jailers and prison walls? "
- JRR Tolkien -

I'm not a psychologist or a sociologist card, but I can tell you more or less in the observations I made cosplay is now part of modern escapism. Mr. Webster defines escapism as standard deviation of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment, an escape from reality or routine.

I'm sure you will agree that the world we live in is full of tension, threats, constant noise, irritating soap operas, fever unhealthy fast food billboards of vertigo, and facebooking overnight. Therefore, we all have to go - to focus our attention on something pleasant or enjoyable, unlike the harsh realities of the everyday world. When we are stressed we want nothing more than escapism, and cosplay certainly offers than others.

It is good to add a bit of fantasy to a world of otherwise boring or stressful. However, the translation of the fantasy of someone who actually can be tricky. I do not know if the parents really should get worried about their teens' desire to express a strong desire to live in the fantasy world of anime, you may be aware that as healthy and part of the social reality of today. And the desire to 'escape' is part of the complex process of discovering ourselves. I think we are all escapist in different ways.

This is where I have the problem of proof. I do not understand the importance of both the idea of ​​escape is to clarify the many cosplayers exact type of escape that he was addressing. I admit that many Filipinos today are not primarily involved in cosplay to maintain their own personal wars, such as employment, relationships, school pressure and other problems of life, but rather to have fun, compete, and even earn a living.

The magical world of the escapees

"Harry is going to this magical world, and it is best that the world is left? The fact that he meets nicer people. Magic did not make the world better, significantly." S relations with their world better. Magic in many ways complicates his life. "
- JK Rowling -

Is there a difference between healthy and unhealthy escapism? In today's reality, we do it our way of escapism ancestors - that is to tell stories around the fire or do the deed in the caves. Now escape from the evils of the world by reading books, watching soap operas and movies, surf the Internet, blogs and so on and so forth.

As I said before, cosplay is a new and modern way of escapism. Unlike other forms of escapism, cosplay is much more complicated. Other "characters" are directly playing in her magical world, interacting with his personality. Events, such as regular meetings and conventions are also held in this new form of escapism that depends directly from the authors of the characters in anime.

Fantasy I and the world of anime

The same one that causes the problems of the cosplayers. This is just my theory OK. The character, called the fantasy begins to compete with the real world. Due to the complexity and the magical world of anime, I can continue to rely on fantasy cosplay, as their form of escapism. There is a chance I'll try the fantasy world of anime as much of the real life of the person and may dominate the real world.

When the anime world becomes part of the real world, any tension in the world of anime brought with them when they enter the real world. Now is not the cosplayer have to worry about the only real world, but also must deal with events in the world of anime. Cosplayer are coming home so stressed and depressed after attending a cosplay convention - when is supposed to be a fun day walking in costume and be an extraordinary person for a day.

The collapse of the Great Being and Being Real

The other possibility that can occur with a prolonged stay in the world of anime as a form of escapism is the collapse of the Grand Auto in Real. Again, this is only a possibility, I'm not a psychologist - but I read books on psychology - and it's just my theory. This is the situation when lending money to buy clothes cosplayer, school or work to attend cosplay conventions, and if you start saying that is more than just cosplay costumes. Actions such as these are clear demonstrations that the priorities of the cosplayer is a lie.

The problem with this type of collapse is evident. As real life is no longer the focus of their attention, their grades in school failing health decline, her job performance will falter and your social life - often sacrificing time with friends and family for the time cosplay .